An Uncle got me interested in the absorbing hobby of family history in 1989. He recounted how the Stephensons had travelled from a village near the Scottish Border to Tamworth in the Midlands. I wanted to know more. I still do! Working through many Parish Registers, Census Returns, Newspapers, Wills and Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, I've found out a great deal about the extended Stephenson family. I've spent countless hours in libraries, county record offices, archives, graveyards, travelling and recently sitting at the computer.
Whilst the vast majority of the information on this site has been collected and checked by me, I would like to thank the following for letting me reproduce some of their photos, memories and research:
L Dakin (the Stephensons of Tamworth)
Mrs H L Smith (Annie and Philip Smith)
Tony Hindhaugh (the Hindhaughs of Sunderland)
Mr Jocelyn Hall (the Halls of Northumberland)
T Peace (the Davis connection)
If you can add anything to any of the pages here, whether through photos or more general information, please feel free to get in touch. You're welcome to sign the Guest Book too.
In July 2008 I was given Percival Thomas Weir Stephenson's 1st World War Medals. These have now been cleaned, re-ribboned and mounted. After researching so much about him, it was tremendous to have them. I have also been given more information about his son Norman. In August 2007 I went to Tyne Cot in Belgium. I hope to put photos and memories from that trip on this site eventually.
At the moment I am working on a .pdf file which will list the Stephenson family members and where they were on each Census. It's an ever growing task!
To contact me, click here.
Whilst the vast majority of the information on this site has been collected and checked by me, I would like to thank the following for letting me reproduce some of their photos, memories and research:
L Dakin (the Stephensons of Tamworth)
Mrs H L Smith (Annie and Philip Smith)
Tony Hindhaugh (the Hindhaughs of Sunderland)
Mr Jocelyn Hall (the Halls of Northumberland)
T Peace (the Davis connection)
If you can add anything to any of the pages here, whether through photos or more general information, please feel free to get in touch. You're welcome to sign the Guest Book too.
In July 2008 I was given Percival Thomas Weir Stephenson's 1st World War Medals. These have now been cleaned, re-ribboned and mounted. After researching so much about him, it was tremendous to have them. I have also been given more information about his son Norman. In August 2007 I went to Tyne Cot in Belgium. I hope to put photos and memories from that trip on this site eventually.
At the moment I am working on a .pdf file which will list the Stephenson family members and where they were on each Census. It's an ever growing task!
To contact me, click here.
To view John's short appearance on Newsnight (BBC2) on 10th January 2007, click here, then choose Geek Week 2.0 Virtual Death.
This site began with twelve pages of my family's history on 23rd November 2006. Since 31st July 2008 I have paid extra monthly hosting fees, which now gives the site unlimited pages and photo albums. This means I can now include research about the history of the locality.
Researching the history of an area helps to put the lives of our ancestors in context. As this site continues to expand, I hope to devote many pages to facts, photographs and maps (depending on copyright). Even taking and showing photos of normal life in the early 21st Century could be valuable in the years to come.
Recently I have started taking photos of statues of British Monarchs and their immediate family and former Prime Ministers. I hope to put these on another website eventually.
Researching the history of an area helps to put the lives of our ancestors in context. As this site continues to expand, I hope to devote many pages to facts, photographs and maps (depending on copyright). Even taking and showing photos of normal life in the early 21st Century could be valuable in the years to come.
Recently I have started taking photos of statues of British Monarchs and their immediate family and former Prime Ministers. I hope to put these on another website eventually.

Enjoy your visit.
John Stephenson
Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850)
Last updated on 18th April 2017.