The Stephensons

When Henry Allingham and Harry Patch died in July 2009, I started thinking how long some people live for. What they had experienced over their life times was amazing. Some people had their lives seemingly cut short  by war or illness. Below I've started a table to show some of my relatives' life spans, together with some of the well known centenarians and supercentenarians. There have been 130 verified supercentenarians from the UK. There are at least 154 verified supercentenarians alive in the world at the moment.

 Jeanne Calment 21 February 1875 4 August 1997 122 years, 164 days
Oldest person ever verified.
Nabi Tajima4 August 1900
21st April 2018
117 years, 260 days
The last person alive in the 21st century to have been born in the 19th century. She also led the fifth longest life ever verified.
Maria Branyas
4 Mar 1907
Still alive
117 years, 99+ day
The oldest person alive at the moment.
Charlotte Hughes1 August 187717 Mar 1993115 years, 228 days
Oldest Briton ever verified.
Ethel Lang27 May 190015 January 2015114 years, 233 days
She was the last Briton alive in the 21st century to have been born in the 19th century.
Ethel Caterham21 Aug 1909Still alive114 years, 295+ days
She is the oldest Briton
alive today and fifth oldest person
in the world.
 Henry Allingham6 June 189618 July

 113 years, 42 days
Oldest living man for 29 days. Oldest British man ever verified.

Harry Patch17 June 189825 July 2009111 years, 38 days
Claude Choules3 March 19015th May
110 years, 63 days
Last veteran to serve in both World Wars.
Alfred Anderson 25 June 189621 Nov 2005109 years, 147 days
Last survivor of
1914 Christmas Truce.
John Tinniswood
 26 Aug 1912Still alive111 years, 289+ days
Oldest man alive today.
Bill Stone23 Sept 190010 Jan 2009108 years, 108 days
Sir Nicholas Winton19 May 19091 Jul 2015 106 years 43 days
Dame Vera Lynn
20 Mar
18 Jun 2020
103 years 90 days
HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
4 Aug 1900
30 March 2002
101 years 238 days
 Dora Brain
(née Mercer)
27 May 1899 21 Oct 1998 99 years 144 days
Nellie Stephenson
(née Davis)
3 July 19095 Nov 2004 95 years 122 days
Shadrach Henry Brayne13 Jan 1904Feb 199692+ years
Winifred Dawson
(née Stephenson)
12 Mar 189619 Oct 198791 years, 217 days
Phyllis Gerrard
(née Spooner,
later Stephenson)
27 Feb 1888
4 Sept 197991 years, 188 days
Florence Webb
(née Stretton)
11 Nov 190320 Mar 199591 years, 129 days
Kathleen Stephenson
(née Taws) 
1901  12 Apr 1993 91+ years
Isabella Harper
(née Stephenson)
27 July 184311 July 1934
90 years, 344 days
 Edgar Stephenson 24 Sept 189429 May 1984
89 years, 245 days
Jessie Brain
(née Day,
later Harris)
15 Sept 1893Sept 1981  88+ years
John Brain23 Oct
Dec 1982 87+ years
Stanley Scott 4 Aug 1911 20 Jan 199886 years, 166 days
Rhoda Brain
(née Stonehouse)
21 Feb 1868 8 April 1954 86 years, 48 days
George Brain186527 Oct 195085+ years
George Brain184117 Mar 1926 84+ years
Jane Stephenson
(née Young)
27 June 1799 2 Feb 188383 years, 216 days
Mary Loveday
(née Jackson)
 1784  14 Aug 1866 82+ years
  John Stephenson  15 Sept 1869  6 Feb 1870  0 years, 144 days
His twin brother, James, 
lived 68 years, 346 days

When I've managed to check on some more Parish Registers and bought more BMD certificates, some of this data will be more precise. The Office for National Statistics says that the average life expectancy is around 80 for a person being born in the UK at the moment. Here are more details.